Nuclear Medicine

The Best B100 produces PET biomarkers and radioisotopes on demand. An integrated solution, the B100 encompasses an entire PET production lab in a 300 square feet (30 sq meter) room. It includes a self-shielded mini-cyclotron for producing the positron emitting F-18 isotope and microchemistry system for labeling specific molecules with the positron emitting isotopes. The unique B100 system is significantly smaller, easier to install and simpler to operate than conventional cyclotrons.

The B-100 Biomarker Generator integrates a compact mini-cyclotron, kit based micro-chemistry, and automated quality control, simplifying in-house production of [18F]FDG and advanced biomarkers.

  • Compact mini-cyclotron
  • Simple one-button operation
  • Single or batch dose production
  • Capable of producing: 18FDG and Na18F
  • Optionally upgraded to produce: 18F−MISO, 18FLT and 18F−Choline
  • Final dose delivery to syringe or vial (option)
  • Automated quality control testing
  • Integrated self-shielded cyclotron and chemistry module
  • Complete production lab in a 5 x 5 meter area
  • Fast production of radioisotopes – dose available when needed
  • Designed for reliability
  • Easy access to target and ion source for simple replacement
  • Turbo pump vs oil based diffusion pump

The B-100 Biomarker Generator provides a unique, affordable, and powerful alternative to conventional cyclotron solutions.

  • 30m2 area vs 300m2 reduces build-out costs
  • QC automation reduces specialist support
  • 1-2 FTE vs. 4-5 FTE reduces operational costs
  • Lower radiation minimizes regulatory burden


  • 7.5 MeV positive ion cyclotron
  • 3 internal targets
  • Production rate of 1.0 mCi/min [18F] fluoride Production rate of 1.0 mCi/min [18F] fluoride
  • 1.16 T magnet
  • 5 µA Beam current for F-18 production